
Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

I am married to Phil and between us we have 5 kids. Andrew is 27 and lives in Lansing. Jeremy is 25 and is a full time missionary in Indonesia. Steven is 17 and attends high school in Caledonia. Amanda is 16 and is home schooled and in the 11th grade. Sarah is 13 and is homeschooled and is in the 8th grade. We attend Faith Bible Church in Lansing, MI.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Long weekend in Yooperland!

Sarah and Amanda at Point Iroquios Lighthouse.
Tahquamenon Falls, the water level is so low this year it looked really strange to us.
Sarah, Amanda and Sarah's friend Taylor in St. Ignace.
These are the most bizarre hats I have ever seen!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Long Weekend

First we took the Car Ferry across Lake MI because we had to take the girls to Wisconsin to stay with their aunt for a week. We really enjoyed the trip and Sarah cleaned up the prizes playing "Badger Bingo".
At the dock in Wisconsin
On Friday Phil, Dex and I took a wonderful drive through the UP on Hwy 2. We had to get to Kalkaska for the family reunion by Saturday. The line of smoke you see in the background is from the Luce County Fire, it had just started but we could smell it and see it from where we were.

Phil and I rode over to check out the cabin and see the new additions. Jeff has done a lot of work. This is one of my favorite places in the world to be and it has been recently dubbed "Paradise".

What we've been up to

We decided to stop by where my brother works and get the grand tour. It was pretty cool to see where he works and what he does.
Lt. Peco