
Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

I am married to Phil and between us we have 5 kids. Andrew is 27 and lives in Lansing. Jeremy is 25 and is a full time missionary in Indonesia. Steven is 17 and attends high school in Caledonia. Amanda is 16 and is home schooled and in the 11th grade. Sarah is 13 and is homeschooled and is in the 8th grade. We attend Faith Bible Church in Lansing, MI.

Friday, March 28, 2008

So it seems that we are moving

Wow things happened really fast, I still am a little numb! Just a few weeks ago we felt hopelessly stuck in a house that was falling apart around us and a neighborhood that was getting more ghetto-like every day. We have wanted to move toward Lansing for a long time now anyway because of church and mostly for the sake of the girls' involvement and friendships there. We also wanted to be more involved with all the people we know there who home school. And we also prayed about the fact that Jeremy is moving to Indonesia next month and mom will be alone. It has been a comfort to us that he has been there off and on over the past several years to help take care of things around there and keep her company. Phil and I have also been hesitant to get involved in church because of the distance and it has been hard to cultivate friendships there for the same reason. So we prayed about all this for a long time and BAM! the Lord answered it all at once. It just so happens that an acquaintance of ours has been trying to sell his house for 3 years and it has just been sitting there empty. He is selling it to us on his own and is working with us even under the worst of financial circumstances. God is so good! He totally did this! We are still looking at our options as far as our house here and will probably have to sell our camper and truck but trust that will all work out too.

The girls will still be able to see their family here as much if not more than they do now as Phil will still be working in Grand Rapids and can bring them in. They will also keep in contact with their close friends here but most of their friends are in Lansing anyway.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Drew's 27th Birthday

We all went to Bennigan's for dinner and got to know Drew's friend Miranda better. It was a nice night!

Friday, March 07, 2008


Just a few recent pictures of the kids doing what they do.

Jeremy went to Quebec to visit NORM and they got some air (off the roof)


Hello I am Sarah and I am HAPPY!

Amanda and Peanut